
Friday 25 August 2017

Breakfast at School

Walt: Our class had to write about their opinion about having breakfast in school.

Ryan 17/8/2017  Breakfast at school.
I believe we should have a breakfast at school because if we go to school late we will be able to eat after
.You can get it for free when you get to school.If we didn’t have it people would be starving all day.

Breakfast at schools would be a great for people who didn’t eat when they first come to school.
You get free breakfast in the morning like weetbix and milk.
I like the idea of breakfast because it is very nice to the kids that can't afford the breakfast.
It will help everyone in the school that takes a oversleeps

that takes a bus and forgets to have breakfast.

If they have breakfast in the morning they will be able to do good work in class.If you didn’t eat
breakfast in the morning so you will want to go to the sick bay.You will not
be able to focus in class.Or be able to carry on with your work.

You will be naughty inside of class because you are hungry.If we don’t have it people would have rumbling bellies.
They will moan and be annoying.Breakfast in school is a good idea because it will help our school with bad children.

I think it is a great idea because it will help our starving kids and the one’s that forgot.

The Grey goo

We made a play for fun with friends, the characters are the Doc, the Assistant and the Grey Goo.We were learning to use a green screen.

Aboriginal Art

Our class was learning about Australian aboriginal art.